October 20th @ 7:30PM | Dekum Street Theater | Run Time: 77 minutes“Humans are spray and sand. . .What’s left? What’s taken?” (Swash).
The middle child of this festival highlights relationships: the disintegration of them, the endless queues we either feel like we are conquering or are victims to, the continuous influence on each other that we cannot deny, the natural and the digital, and an investigation into the question “How do we bring our physical bodies with us into our inevitably digitally-bound futures?” (Future Futures Series). The 6 films of Picks 2 come to us from the United States, Taiwan, Germany, and Canada and run 77 minutes with a 15 minute intermission.
Oregon Artist / United States
Director: Heather Hindes @Pizzahwings
Cinematographer: Conrad Kaczor @Sleepytut
Choreographer: Heather Hindes
Dancers: Heather Hindes, Raven Jones @Raewolfbird, Elle Sevi @Ellecsevi, & Whitney Wilhardt @Bummerbuffalo
Composer: Mitchell Schaumburg @Mitchell.schaumberg
PA: Crystal Stratford @Whoiscrs
Special Thanks: Vince and F150 Chris
To make a fire you need 3 things:
Isolated in the desert, something is created out of nothing. SIGNAL was made in research between the creative habit and the elemental symbol of fire and its many images. We burn away our bonds from old forms and ideals and stagnancy due to a global pandemic. This film is a spell cast to help us all break our self limiting bonds and remember to lean on each other, and continue to inspire each other to keep walking forward. To keep burning.
Anyone Who Knows
United States
Director/Producer/Choreographer: Kate Harpootlian @KateHarpootlian
DP: Jonathas Nazareth @jon_a_thas
Producer/1st AD: Mia Como @DrowsyGator
Editor: Jonathas Nazareth
Movement Collaborator: Marla Phelan @MarlaPhelan
Dancers: Marla Phelan & Cody Hayman @HaymanCody
Body Double: Evelyn Chen @AngelPumpkinPie
HMU: Samson Smith @SamsonSmithMUA
Gaffer: Mario Riquelme @Mario_Nomas
1st AC: Karoline Iversen @karoline_iversen
2nd AC: Nick Shadix @Shot_by_Shadix
Key Grip: Emmet Luciano @definitelyatget
PAs: Gerianna LoTempio @Gerianna_LoTempio, Greta Francesca @se_zaar, Calvin Carter @Calvin.carter
Music Clearance: Joseph Miller @CanYouClearMeNow
“Anyone Who Knows What Love Is” written by Judith Arbuckle, Randy Newman, Jeannie Seely, Pat Sheeran. Used by Permission of EMI UNART CATALOG INC. All rights reserved.
“Anyone Who Knows” written by Jeannie Seely and Randy Newman, performed by Irma Thomas courtesy of Universal Music Enterprises
Haunted by memory, a woman struggles to contain an onslaught of emotions in the face of her disintegrating relationship in this short dance film.
Ahead, Behind
United States
Director: Ben Kadie
Choreographers / Dancers: JA Collective- Jordan Johnson and Aidan Carberry
Two men are trapped in an infinite line.
沖流 (Swash)
Director & Cinematographer & Editor: Luo Sih-wei @sihweil
Creation Partner: Chou Shu-yi @choushuyi
Choreographer: Wang Yeu-kwn @wang_yeukwn
Dancers: Lee Yin-ying @leeyinying73, Tien Hsiao-tzu @hsiaotzu.tien
Music & Sound design: Hsu Yen-ting @winter_ting
Executive Producer: Lin Jou-wen @zo__lin
Humans are spray and sand.
Did he/she affect you?
Did you change him/her?
What’s left? What’s taken?
Inspired by how waves hit the beach, this work reflects the mutual and ever-continuing influence humans exert in relationships. Zooming in on the process of how influence occurs, the artist translates this into physical movements and stories.
Hybris I
Directors: Corentin Kopp, Aaron Arnoldt Alexander
Choreography & Dance: Louis Stiens, Shaked Heller
Costume Design: Aaron Arnoldt Alexander
Cinematography: Corentin Kopp
1st Camera assistant: Ryszard Karcz
Motion Control: Superposition_CH
Set Design: Louise Vandervorst
Production: Abyssal
Production: Lallali
Editor: Florian Kläger
VFX supervisor: Corentin Laplatte
Music: Fabien Alea
Graphic: Bureau Progressiv
From the simplicity of the one and the zero, the future is bred.
Natural and digital organisms embrace, yet reject each other in a new parallel world. Learning from each other, what shape can human bodies take in the middle of these balancing acts?
“HYBRIS I” is the opening film of a trio of visual dialogues between the physical and the digital world.
The different worlds in each film can be read as an exploration of balance between the human body, the primordiality of nature and an ongoing digitalisation of our world. All inspired by the very origin of movement itself – the birth.
Directed by Aaron Alexander Arnoldt & Corentin Kopp and featuring performance and choreography by Louis Stiens & Shaked Heller (ex Stuttgart Ballet / currently at Zürich Ballet).
Future Future - Series
Creators: Brian J Johnson and Company 605
Director: Brian J Johnson @brinfindlay
Choreographer: Company 605 @Company605
Producer: Trish Dolman / Screen Siren Pictures @screensirenpictures
Producers: Josh Martin / Lisa Mariko
Producer: Kate Kroll @blackmoon.katekroll
Music: Matthew Tomkinson
Editor: Aram Coen / Karen Porter @gizmosito
Production Design: Kalyn Miles @kalyn_miles
How do we bring our physical bodies with us into our inevitably digitally-bound futures?
As we approach a technological singularity that threatens to replace flesh and blood beings with digital versions of themselves, can we lose our embodied experience and still think of ourselves as human? FUTURE FUTURES, by Company 605 and director Brian J Johnson, embraces the science fiction genre to explore the digital evolution of a future humanity through a series of short experimental dance films, an unfolding choreographic narrative that imagines the human body in a state of unthinkable transformation.